Posts of category: Cybercrime

37% of all companies were victims of ransomware attacks in 2021. Malware attacks, phishing attempts, DNS vulnerabilities and other methods of digital data theft can cause reputation damage as well as significant financial costs to businesses, especially given the higher risk of increased remote working. IT managers need to be on their guard and take these and other security threats seriously to ensure secure communication throughout their organization and deliver business continuity. Read about the latest news and developments in cybercrime.

The end of Emotet

We've all pretty much gotten used to the fact that malware isn’t likely to go away any time soon. Malware only usually makes the headlines these days if it causes substantial damage or is particularly severe. During the coronavirus pandemic, we’ve mostly heard about malware ...

Phishing is dead, long live smishing

In fact, the title of this post is misleading, phishing is unfortunately far from being dead and buried. Cybercriminals continue to use all sorts of tricks to get their victims to click on malicious links or malware. A recent study by OpenText into phishing/scam emails and cyber ...

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